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Conwy County is ‘more fired up than ever’ to deliver agenda for culture

Conwy County Borough Council has expressed its thanks for the opportunity to take part in the prestigious UK City of Culture 2025 competition and is more determined than ever to deliver an exciting cultural strategy for Conwy County.

Cllr Charlie McCoubrey, Leader, Conwy County Borough Council, said: “We knew there would be some tough competition for the coveted City of Culture status, and it was a privilege to be part of such a strong group of contenders. We wish those selected to take part in the next stage all the very best.”

“Taking part in UK City of Culture has added real momentum to the journey we have already started through our new culture strategy, which recognises the vitally important role cultural tourism plays in supporting and growing our economy. We have been able to share our beautiful corner of Wales on a UK platform and engage with more than 1 billion people. Our task now is to regroup, learn from the process, and look forward to delivering some really exciting outcomes for our communities here in Conwy through our cultural strategy.”

Conwy County welcomes nearly 10 million visitors a year to enjoy its spectacular landscapes, warm Welsh welcome and thriving contemporary arts and entertainment scene.

The county has a high percentage of Welsh language speakers, a strong farming tradition, internationally renowned gallery MOSTYN, stunning Victorian beach resorts and jaw-dropping heritage sites from the smallest house in Great Britain to one of Wales’ mightiest castles.

In recognition of this unique cultural offer and its already strong track-record for delivering major events, Conwy County has been working on a fresh and dynamic cultural strategy to support economic growth and community wellbeing. This strategy laid the foundations for the county’s decision to join the UK City of Culture race.

Jane Richardson, Strategic Director for Economy & Place, said: “We are very proud of the bid we put forward to UK City of Culture, which reflected the ambitions of our new Culture Strategy. This strategy is all about working to create cultural adventures that change the way people see Conwy, link generations and celebrate our Welsh language. We are still fully committed to working with partners to deliver that vision and are looking forward to getting stuck into it.”

Cllr Mark Baker, Cabinet Member for Arts, Heritage, Libraries and Culture said: “Naturally we are disappointed not to be longlisted but we are absolutely thrilled for our fellow bidders, especially our own Welsh neighbours, Wrexham County Borough Council who we know will do a fantastic job of representing our great country on the international stage. We want to thank every single person who contributed to the City of Culture process in Conwy with their time, dedication and ideas. We have been lucky to work with a wide cross-section of exceptionally creative people.”